Wednesday 8 October 2014

Raving with the freshers!

So hop  back a few weeks and it all began, I jumped straight back into the world of education! With not even a day between moving back home, I was at the University of Leeds registering for a jam-packed year of lectures, reading, exams, coursework and the big dissertation! I was back to being a student.
It was one of the most strangest experience those first few days being back as a student, getting a student card, eligible for student offers once again (free McDs burgers!) and walking around a freshers fair.
The course began with a residential field trip to Scarborough with work on Whitby, Robin Hoods Bay and the surrounding are. It was a really great way to meet people on the course and there are some really awesome friends I have made already. The work was a little bit of a challenge but it was engaging and interesting learning about geology in an entirely
different way from an industrial direction.
The lectures have been interesting too but there is a bit of maths creeping in and I am definitely going to have to do some revision on simple maths that I have completely forgotten over time. The campus is crazily big and so much different to Lancaster, there is so many huge buildings and two libraries. Unlike Lancaster with the one real main thorough-fare you have to walk around every single building and the campus is on a huge hill! To make things even more confusing is that they have numbered the floors of buildings across the whole campus so you can be entering a building at the top of the hill which has the ground floor as floor 7 ahhh! There is also a 6 or so story building with over 25 lecture theatres in it stacked on top of each other! It is one big huge maze!
But I am so glad to have started this, a big kick in the right direction in a much better position than I was before! I still have my doubts thinking whether or not it was the right idea. But I am much more confident now that this is the right path! I've met some amazing people and have enjoyed it so far! And the 4 hr commuting everyday isn't killing me just yet!
Today I went on my first site visit... the M62 no more volcanoes or mountains anymore!
I shall keep you updated on how it goes!

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