Wednesday 26 June 2013

Dream Diary: Deadly Pet

So I am back off my hols, which ill talk about in anottther blog but whilst its still fresh in my mind I'll let you know about some more epic dreams. So after having no Spanish siesta and a late flight I was in for a deep sleep. I guess watching Life Of Pi on the plane had its influences as the main part of my dream consisted of having a tiger as a pet. The film was absolutely stunning and a clever story as well.
So yes, it seemed that I had returned home with another pet. Joining my little cocker spaniel Jess, I had a huge, scary yet beautiful and majestic fully grown tiger! It was huge but was the most gorgeous colour and stripy pattern. I seemed to have had full control of this animal and that it was a good friend that posed no threat to me. It was roaming around the house just like a pet, it took up most of the floor when it laid down and seemed to be perfectly fine sharing the house with my dog, and not eating her as a meal.
The tiger was very aggressive to anyone other than my family. Including the neighbours but he soon piped down when I gave him a good telling off! I even took the beast on a walk in the countryside everyone was shocked to see me walking with the tiger and kept him calm as everyone ran away screaming. The dream was so real I can still feel the fur, its long whiskers and its massive fangs.
At one point of the dream I was shouted out of the house by my parents to come and look at these group of Chinooks flying really low. I managed to get out to see the back of them disappear into the fog. I looked behind and saw both my tiger and dog scampering across the hallway floor to reach the open front door which I soon shut so they couldn't escape. Suddenly as I turned back there were even more helicopters in the sky and then suddenly a huge overhead battle commenced. With explosions and crashing helicopters I quickly snapped out my phone and began recording so I could use the footage in some sort of movie. Random but exciting, again.

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