Friday 28 June 2013

Festival Experiences

So as it is the weekend of the Glastonbury Festival 2013, the biggest festival in the world. I thought it would be good to share my festival experiences and if anyone else likes too, then comment away!
I have been to two festivals in my life V Festival and T in the Park
But I am going to focus on T as it was the most recent (2012) and most memorable. Me and my friends managed to get there early after a long car journey up to Kinrosss in Scotland but still had to que for ages to get in! We had cleverly taken a sledge to carry our heavy tent and beer! And even in the que it had become very muddy at the start of the festival... a sign of things to come?
We got into the site and walked a long long way to get to a quieter field and still found it busy! We were running out of space fast! Luckily I went ahead and found a spot right in the middle of a section, away from paths and on top of a slight hill. We put up our tents and camp and were ready to party. A few friends I knew came late after their bus broke down and they had nowhere to camp so we managed to squeeze them into our camp. They would have probably had to camp in the middle of a path otherwise!
After a first dry day things were looking good. We saw the likes of Example, Florence and the Machine and a few on the smaller stages which were just as good including Lonsdale Boys Club who I had been fascinated about for ages.
The next days had almost continuous torrential rain. Paths began to turn to mud and began to spread into some of the camps. At the last day it was at its peak and I'm pretty sure the festival was close to being closed! Some tents on the edge of all the sections at the paths had completely had the mud and flood water go beneath. They were sodden! In some places there was a lot of standing water and the walk to the stages took an extra half an hour on top of the half hour it normally took because of the thick mud. There was so much water, that there was huge oceans of muddy water that went to the top of the shins and over a very large area. People were drenched and it was probably a bad thing when people got back to their muddy tents.

Luckily for us our last minute camp had been the best spot. There was little mud as not many people walked past and it was on top of a hill so no standing water, which was great somewhere dry to get out of the wet muddy clothes.
The last night I was pretty wasted and Kasabian were playing, it was incredible and I was going crazy, I was covered in mud and having a real good time!
Overall the weekend was great, we got up early on the leaving day so we would not get stuck in the car park, but there was already cars stuck and broken down. We couldn't get ours started never mind moving but eventually managed too and after a lot of pushing managed to get out before the big rush.
I bet the people in the Burger King in Edinburgh were laughing at the smelly muddy festival goers coming in!
Great time, and even in the rain festivals are just fantastic! Next time I plan for a hot festival abroad, cant deal with that much mud again!
Anybody got any other crazy festival stories?

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