Monday 6 January 2014

Dream Diary: 2013

So over the last year I have been posting blogs on some of the epic dreams I have. I have been told that I must have a very good imagination to have such exciting and detailed dreams. Now these are the dreams I have remembered the most and of which are the most exciting.

Keeping a dream diary was actually a great idea, its good to go back and see how crazy your dreams have been, whether there have been any patterns and who knows someone out there may have had the same dream. I think its cool to think that when you dream there are other people out there who join the same dream and the people that you meet in the dreams and you don't know are actually other people in their dreams. Another cool thing is you can look at what your dream is telling you about your life and troubles right now.
So I'm going to have a read through them all, there are a few and here they are below. Then take a look and see if my dreams are saying anything about my state of mind!!!
From Jan 2nd 2013 "Okay so one thing I was going to do is a dream diary, one so you can have a laugh at what stupid things I dream about, another so you can appreciate how epic my imagination is but mostly so I can look back and see if there are any patterns to my dreamingness and whether I should be worried about my mental state."
  • Worst Lost Fan: Being a huge fan of Jorge Garcia my phone would not switch off so he gives me a detention!
  • Help my eyes are glued shut Okay now this is a bit weird, only a month later I actually had my eyes glued shut recovering from an eye infection and nasty flu! Maybe my dreams predict the future?!! This one was very weird, children playing in a river of boiling water wearing sellotape to protect them?! Weird.
  • Now this one sounds like a lot of those "closed doors" dreams in which I tried to do something but never managed it, but there was excitement too, Disneyland and lizard warriors and the interesting fact at how I needed to be somewhere at a certain time and say a colour. Maybe the person who said it the same time as me was someone having the same dream.
I think that some of the scariest things are that I actually cant remember having many of these dreams!
  • Now this one was one of the coolest and actually one I remember, I remember the feeling of amazement and awe with a hint of nerves at looking at the beautiful fiery sky. I think phsycologists might look at this and think I am worried about being followed.... "a cold gust of wind breathed down the back of my neck. I look up to see that everything seemed darker, a large dark cloud had put me within its shadow " "Though there was no sound, no thunder and no rain. Just a battle of Lightning and Fire." 

  • I love that Frank Gallagher appeared in my dream, it was a typical shameless story but completely not shameless
  • Another Apocalyptic dream, I do like these end of the world dreams.... I do see that in places current events were being incorporated in my dream, I'm sure around then the northern lights were actually visible.
  • Now I don't remember this one. Getting through to the finals on the voice?! I cant even sing! and having a J themed show and having to change my name to something beginning with J was weird.
  • Okay..... swimming with two whales, one of which was albino and then having an octopus jumping on my shoulders whilst my mum is filming with an xbox controller.... weird.
I find this so weird that I don't remember some of these dreams and don't remember writing them and cant believe they are in so much detail.
  • This was one of the most detailed dreams and an exciting ones! Ape Wars - another apocalypse! Very cool.
  • This was a very realistic dream, a huge pet tiger. I still feel its stripy fur! Influenced by watching life of pi I think!
  • Watching World War Z probably influenced this one: Now this one was brill! Like a proper movie I felt the full panic and drama of a zombie attack! And the ending? well its better than TV cliff hangers! But I guess I will never know what happened.
  • Another dream about Whales... hmm... Waking up within a dream too? Inception stuff right?
  • Now this one was only the other month I don't remember much of it!!! But it was another exciting one. Held hostage in student accommodation? but scary stuff too!
My dreams are like films...
Top 3:
3. Ape Wars
2. Zombie Attack
1. Lightning and Fiery sky.

Interpretation results:

To see turquoise in your dream symbolizes luck, success and fortune

To see a whale in your dream represents your intuition and awareness

To see a tiger in your dream represents power and your ability to exert it in various situations.

To see the northern lights in your dream represent renewed energy, vitality, awe, insight and youth.

To dream of the apocalypse signifies an emotional and dramatic change taken place within yourself. The dream may also indicate the end of one kind of lifestyle and the beginning of another. (From student to employer?)

To see the letter "J" in your dream means that there is something that you need to hold on to and grasp, as reflected by its hook shape. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on someone named "Jay" or whose initial starts with J.

Interesting?! Other than that there aren't much interpretations for my dreams, they are just that weird and epic.

Well it has been fun sharing my dreams with you and even more fun looking back, I would highly recommend doing them!

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