Sunday 15 September 2013

Freshers Week

So across the country many people will be gearing up / recovering from their first week of University! FRESHERS WEEK
A crazy week of making friends, freshers fairs, burning food, flat party's, house wars, hangovers, freshers flu and lots and lots of alcohol.... (for most)
My freshers week was pretty much that! Now I sound old... my freshers week in first year was 2009! It really doesn't feel that long ago, but the fact is, is that it actually is now....
Fancy Dress is definitely something that happens in Freshers!
So take as much as you have and buy as much you can afford!
So it all started when I arrived collected my key and emptied the jam packed car into my empty room on campus. After a full unpack and a drawer of the fridge/freezer and cupboards claimed, it was time to say good bye to the family, which wasn't to hard on my side but for a caring loving parent yes. So my first tip, is that don't freak out if you're parents get very teary as they most likely will.
Then it was onto meeting the flat mates, when I arrived there was a lot of random people around the flat. After managing to get a few names which you will forget almost straight away there maybe others in the flat that aren't actually flatmates! When I arrived there was 3 people in the kitchen who weren't even in my college, to add to my confusion and they were saying hello to a friend who was a flatmate. So another pointer is that you will meet a lot of people in you're first week, you will most likely forget everyones name for the first few weeks and there will be a lot of people you probably won't see again.
Your university will already have events planned so get involved and go to them all.
Go say hello to everyone in other flats in your house.

We ended up having all house residents in our flat on White T Shirt Rave!
(PS when using markers to write on Tshirts- be warned is likely to be all over your skin by the end of the night!)
Its also quite good to go and meet the people in the surrounding flats, as if your flatmates don't turn out to be very sociable or the nicest of people its always good having friends close by. You will make lots more friends from your course and you will have a lot more in common, but you wont necessarily meet them straight away.
Your university may have a freshers ball so
a good excuse to get dressed up!
Its important to remember that everyone is in the same boat and that you will have those awkward moments around the table where conversation might just stop. So just fill it with some random question to keep it going! Maybe buy a doorstop to keep you're door open when others are in to keep that conversation flowing. This week this new crew is going to be sticking together like glue! You will find that after the first week everyone will part their ways a bit more but you'll still have some great nights out!
Freshers week will likely be an expensive one, joining societies and eating out, takeaways and all those nights out, so budgeting your way through it wont really work. You will probably find that you spend half your first term loan in the first week! But hey, its only first year freshers once!
Make your room as homely as you can. My room was full of posters after freshers week
PS use White Tac on the walls it is much easier to get off the walls and reduce damage so you can get your deposit back!
Collect as much stuff from your uni as you can and fill your room. Mine in third year was jam packed!
Its also good to note that you don't have to do things you don't want to. You don't have to fancy dress up, you don't have to go out every night, its good to take a night off and just relax with your flatmates and laugh over the previous nights events.
I would highly recommend joining a society, one of my biggest regrets is not doing much in the first year, and you might hear the lecturers saying that there will be no time for societies then don't listen. First year is the easiest and you haven't got as much work as you do in the others so go and join as much as you can! Its another great way of making another group of friends and there is so much out there from sports to other extreme sports, gaming societies, baking ,dancing, and even Harry Potter and Quidditch clubs!
Your first meal that you don't burn is always the best.
Start with something easy! Chicken wraps are always good!
Share meals with other people is a good thing as it
reduces the amount of waste food that's left over.
A thing to expect is Freshers Flu! Its the time of year when the cold like symptoms come up and when its freshers week it spreads like wild fire!  So be prepared! Stock up on your cough syrups and paracetamols you will definitely get it at one point!
So Freshers week is definitely one of the most memorable times at university as well as your life! Enjoy it as much as you can, take lots of pictures and do as much as you can! Its the start of the best time of your life so go wild!

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