Sunday 8 September 2013

LOST Easter Eggs in Once Upon A Time

So as it is the final episode of Season 2 tonight here in the UK and its almost time for Se3 in the US, I thought I'd take a rundown of all the LOST Easter Eggs found in Once Upon A Time, so far.  The show is written by Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz who also wrote a lot for LOST and it is definitely seen in the storyline twists and turns along with the whole flashbacks and their whole side stories.  

Since the very first episode there has been LOST references: 

Fictional items:

There is a whole lot of Geronimo Jackson, stickers, ipod cases and T shirts seen throughout of which is a fictional band seen a lot in LOST.

Apollo Bars are seen on numerous occasions, seen in convenience stores, amongst the characters and are also heavily featured in LOST.

Exposé is advertised on the television in the hospital where Belle is (Se2). Exposé is the name of a fictional TV show in LOST.

In Se1 episode "The Stranger" Pinocchio sees a plane fly overhead, this has the Oceanic Airlines logo on it. Oceanic Airlines is the plane the crashed on the island in LOST!

In Se2 episode "Tiny" when Henry, Emma and Mr Gold travel to New York they travel on a plane. All LOST fans were awaiting to find out whether it would be Oceanic Airlines only to be overjoyed and surprised that it was Ajira Airways! Another plane company in LOST!

Emma and Mary Margaret have some MacCutcheon Scotch Whiskey a brand featured on LOST and seen throughout OUAT including Se2 finale.

Similar Lines:

The Evil Queen, upon being told the battle is lost, says, "Don't tell me what we can or cannot do!" a spin on the line often repeated in LOST.

When Regina asks Rumplestiltskin to bring Daniel back from the dead, he replies "Dead is dead" a reference from LOST spoken by Benjamin Linus along with the entitled episode.

Leroy refers to everyone as "sister", which is similar to Desmond calling everyone "brother".

Sheriff Graham wakes up in the middle of the night because of a dream, which is actually a memory. He says to Regina, "It didn't feel like a dream. It felt like a memory." Similar wording to that Desmond, who says to Penny, "It wasn't a dream, Pen. It was a memory." in LOST.


Charles Widmore (LOST) played by Alan Dale plays King George in OUAT
Hurley (LOST) played by Jorge Garcia plays Tiny in OUAT
Claire (LOST) played by Emile De Ravine plays Belle in OUAT

Naveen Andrews who plays Sayid in LOST has been confirmed to star in Once Upon A Time in Wonderland!


Belle played by Emile De Ravine loses her memory as she crosses the town line. In LOST there was a period of time during Season 1 when Claire was captured by "the others" she returned to the camp with no memory of her time there. Eventually her memories returned, Belles memories returned in the Se2 finale after a magical potion restored them.

The whole idea of a failsafe at the end of season 2 is similar to that in LOST when Desmond turned the key after they damaged equipment in a possible "world saving" underground bunker.

The wormhole in Se2 in which Baelfire ended up falling down after a dramatic and emotional goodbye from Emma, was very similar to the Sawyer - Juliet goodbye scene.


LOST numbers 4, 8, 15, 16 ,23, 42 and additionally 108 and 815 are seen throughout the show.

Se1 Ep1 Henry gets off the bus at gate 4. Emmas room is number 4.

Henry and Regina live at 108.

Clocktower frozen at 8:15.

Time references to 8:23, 8:15 and other number combinations.

108 boxes of hearts the queen has.

Number 8 room of Tamara and Baelfire

Astrid tells Leroy that the nuns only sold 42 candles.

Storybrooke's zip code is 04815.

Big Ben in London has the time 8:15

Other LOST Easter eggs:

In Season 1 a scene began with the opening of Emmas Eye. LOST did this on many occasions.

Damon Lindelof is the voiceover man for TV shows seen in Storybrooke! Damon Lindelof was one of the LOST Producers.

They were some of the main ones but there are many many more.

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