Wednesday 21 August 2013

Dream Diary

So I haven't done one of these in a while but I have been dreaming...
Last night I was clambering up the sides of a Volcano which was in full eruption mode. There was ash raining down on me and whoever I was with. The sky was dark and fiery and the ground was grey and black. There was a constant sound of rumbling and the floor shook gradually and often violently. Loud explosions were rocketing around me and I am pretty sure I had a steel umbrella to stop the large fragments of rock hitting me on the head. The heat was immense and large lips of lava flows were running down the side of the mountain. There was one place in which the ground I was standing on was still soft and wobbly. I was worried that there was still lava beneath the surface in which I could fall so I tried to avoid the area. But as I walked around the ground infront of me suddenly rose into a big dome. I was worried that this was going to be a huge explosion but it was a huge gas bubble. The large black sphere rose a few feet dripping with half molten rocks. It then popped and a peppering of half molten rocks spattered on the ground. I then walked along the edge of a massive canyon in which the ground seemed to be much harder.
I then felt that I had had enough of being on the volcano and to exit I needed to jump into a lava lake. This was to end my game. As I did I hit the lava continued downwards and saw the foundations of the game which were made from large colourful blocks. I then left the gamestation and was with family in a games centre. I then entertained my little cousin by playing with games and his toys. I noticed he was watching childrens programmes on television, the programme of which was "Barbie Big Brother" in which a cartoon Barbie show was taking a spin off the reality show.
Next thing I know I am helping out a class of children and I needed to make burgers. These where however missing and then I found them within a toilet....
Then I think I woke up...
Very strange.
Started off quite epic though! 

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