Friday 15 March 2013

Space Weather Alert increases chances of Aurora sightings.

Early this morning there was something known as a "Solar Filament Eruption" from the Sun, with an associated Coronal Mass Ejection (CME.) The Ejection is directed towards the Earth and there is an increased chance of a geomagnetic disturbance. This CME is expected to arrive late on 16th to early 17th March in the UK.
Depending on the size of the geomagnetic storm that is activated and the Solar Winds, it could result in enhanced auroral displays. This means that there is an increased chance of seeing the Northern Lights at lower than usual latitudes. Depending on light levels and weather conditions those in Scotland, Northern England and Northern Ireland  may have a chance of seeing them.

There maybe some magnetic disturbances but no other major effects will be caused.


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