Saturday 30 March 2013

David Tenant and Billie Piper to return for Doctor Who 50th Anniversary

Yes you did hear it right!! The BBC has just confirmed that David Tenant and Billie Piper will be returning for the 50th Anniversary episode.
Billie Piper played Rose Tyler, the 10th Doctors (David Tenant) sidekick from 2005. The show is due to air on November 23rd 2013 in 3D!
Rose Tyler and The David Tenant Doctor
In a nutshell
In 2005 Rose sees the Doctor generate into David Tenant form and throughout that series falls in love with him. At the end of the series Rose Tyler gets trapped in a parallel universe and is declared dead in this one, but the Doctor manages to transmit her one last message and Rose declares her love for the Doctor. But she is trapped and there seems to be no way of getting her back.
Her absence in the following series is clearly missed; when saving the world with his new companion, Martha (Freema Agyeman. It is still Rose  he dreams of. It is during the next series in which the Doctors companion is Donna Noble (Catherine Tate) that Rose Tyler begins to appear again, firstly only seen by Donna and at points when the Doctor fails to notice. There is a time in which Rose helps Donna to correct a timeline in which the Doctor dies after Donna is tricked into forming one.
During an episode in which the "Supreme Dalek" and Davros the creator of the Daleks attack Earth and Dalek Caan performs a temporal shift so that those that can time travel cannot enter and the Doctor cannot save the Earth. Rose and a whole host of previous cast are trying to find ways to battle the Daleks and somehow get the Doctor back to Earth. After finally finding a way to do so, Rose and the Doctor are finally reunited. But the Doctor is shot by a Dalek. He begins to regenerate.
In the following episode the final of the 4th new series, the drama continues...
A severed right hand of the doctors(which he lost from an attack from the Sycorax previously) was kept in the TARDIS and it is this of which the Doctor uses during regeneration to transfer some remaining energy so that he does not regenerate into a new Doctor but keeps his current form. The Doctor emerges restored but the TARDIS is then captured by Davros along with Donna inside and is ordered for it to be destroyed.
Donna collapses by the Doctor's severed hand, and activates the energy stored in the hand to form a half human, half Time Lord copy of the Doctor, with the side effect of giving Donna the knowledge of a Time Lord.
After saving the Universe from the Daleks the Doctor parts ways with his companions. Determined to stay with the real Doctor, Rose asks both what was the last thing the Doctor said to her before the transmission ended in Doomsday. The other Doctor whispers the response to Rose and they kiss, while the real Doctor and Donna leave the parallel world in the TARDIS forever.
As the walls between realities are repaired, the fully Time Lord Doctor leaves, allowing Rose and her mortal ageing Doctor to live out their lives together in the parallel universe.
It is in "The Return of the Timelords" in which the Doctor is forced to sacrifice himself to save Wilfred Mott (Donnas father.) Although he survives initially as his body absorbs the radiation, the healing of the Doctor's wounds shows his regeneration process has begun, which means he will soon change appearance and personality. He visits previous acquaintances before he completes his regeneration and finally visits the day Rose first meets him, he tells her she will have a great year and stumbles back to the TARDIS before he regenerates and the David Tenant Doctor is no more.

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