Monday 7 January 2013

First day in my new job

Okay so todayyyy was the first day of my newww job at Lancaster!!!! My job role is field and lab assistant and what awesomely cool experiments will I be doing I hear you ask?
Well its all to do with soil!

Yes verrrry exciting....right? I get to go out in the field to collect some samples and take some measurements and then bring them back into the lab to do many further measurements! I get to go around the UK and see different places and collect soil.
I'm gonna do another blog later on this month to let you know exactly what I'm doing and then you mayyyy think that it is a little more exciting.

So today was the nerveracking first day of meeting people and getting your head round what you have got to do! I must have shook a hundred peoples hands! ...Maybe a few less.. but everyone seems really nice and a good laugh.
Starting a job on the first day back after Christmas festivities, however, was a little chaotic, everyone was rushing about trying to get back on track and I still need to get a computer account  and a few other things. But I'll be patient its all gonna work out!

I got to do some labwork, including some soil seiving alll good experience and had a good chat with some of my other work mates. Tomorrow I'm out in the field! Already and its an overnighter so will be exciting and get to know my work colleagues well. So all in all, a whole new experience and really exciting!

So if anyone is struggling on their first day, remember everyone has a first day and goes through the same things, they know what you are going through and they'll help you and understand to make things comfortable. There are so many people to talk to.

All in all a good first day!

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