Tuesday 29 January 2013


Whilst I have been ill today I have watched the first two episodes of Channel 4's 6 part drama. It was something that I wanted to watch but missed the first two so not having much to do apart from run to the toilet and have lots of medication, I had time to watch.

And I am so glad I did, as it has been one amazing yet horrifically gory shows!
The show written by Dennis Kelly is a conspiracy thriller following the story of a group of youngsters that have possession of an underground graphic novel named Utopia which is thought to have predicted future events over the past century. There possession of this document is meant they are being hunted by some government body known as "The Network."

The drama is very dark in places, with some gore including numerous torture scenes which are pretty graphic. But the style of the show and pace, revealing things slowly to keep the viewer guessing, all make an engaging and enthralling viewing experience. The use of vibrant colours and camera work is also excellent.

The first two episodes are available on 4od and the third airs tonight at 10pm on 4.

Where is Jessica Hyde?

Utopia: An ideally perfect place, especially in its social, political and moral aspects. The word is used to describe communities that attempt to create an ideal society.
It is the opposite of Dystopia; a community which is undesirable and frightening.

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