Saturday 12 January 2013

Help I think my eyes are glued!

Okayyyy so there have been many a dreams over the last week some of which included my dog coming out in the field with me with work and trying to keep her quiet in the hotel and getting lost in crop fields but none of any strange and large quantity. Until last night...
So I had a nice lie in this morning but had some crazyyy dreams! It all joined into one but the main story went something similar to this:
So I was on holiday somewhere, nice and warm but there was a wedding... whose I aint sure, but I was all suited up and absolutely roasting! There was a lot of tourists and my little cousin kept playing in the road so I had to grab him and tell him off, but a relative then told me off and said to just let him do what he wants.
Next thing I remember is waking up - in the dream and my eyes being glued together! And not being able to see anything!!!! Running around for help, asking if someone had glued my eyes shut! They soon opened and I was fine...
....another section involved sitting in a café on holiday and got chatting to a few people and then some of my good mates came over and started shouting and stressing at me for making new friends!!! They were really angry and so I ended up arguing and ran down to the beach.
At this beach there was a little river coming down from the town and I just stepped in it and it was boiling hot!!!! However, there was little children playing in the water and they had had there hands and feet sellotaped up so that the water didn't burn them.... very weird yes.
The dream continued I think but I cant remember much more.
Yes not one of the most exciting dreams, no zombie apocalypses and no world domination!

1 comment:

  1. I only wish my dream were any were near as interesting....or I guess remembering them could be a start!

    Welcome to the blogging world :-)
