Monday 11 February 2013

My eyes are stuck!

Well hello there, it has been what two three days since my last blog :O omm
but I have excuses, which include: working, socialising, drinking, hangovering, vomming, travelling, puppy-loving, socialising, drinking, worrying, sleeping, eating, opticianing, shopping, travelling, worrying and sleeping!
It has been a very busy weekend! And what's with all the worrying? Well all weekend and today I have had a problem with my right eye, I have felt like I have possibly got something stuck in it or have scratched it or something. Not fun, so after a few hours of not getting whatever it I presumed was in my eye out I did the worst thing that you do when you are ill or have a problem and that is check the internet. And what does it say.. well see a doctor immediately if you have scratched it!! And not knowing whether it was a scratch or something wedged in was terrifying! After wearing contact lenses all day Friday, after being ill and after being in a lab full of dust and soil for my job then it was highly likely that I would get something in my eye or scratched.
The poor little eye began producing much more mucus than usual and for the last two days I have woken to having my eye glued shut! SCARY STUFF!
If anyone has read my previous blog about having my eyes glued shut then this is it but in real life!!!
So I went to the opticians and had a full sight test and eye analysis, and I have no foreign body in my eye and no scratch and they were relatively healthy! But that I probably had conjunctivitis! waaah
And the result of the eye test was that my poorly right eye has improved significantly (as I do have short sight) ... well I'm not sure how accurate that can be when I apparently have conjunctivitis and my eye doesn't feel significantly better!
I saw the doctor today also and they agreed on conjunct. So I have some eyedrops and have to keep my eye clear. Fun....
So eyedrops are fun... first attempt got my cheek and not my eye. My eyelashes are also that long that they keep catching the drops also! It takes ages to get it right haha.
But its not a good feeling - like having something stuck in your eye constantly. And having problems with your eyes is also worrying and terrifying as sight is very precious.
Being ill can be a pain in the backside and having been ill what a week ago and now this it ain't fun. When you are away from family and friends also, its not great but you gotta fight through it!
But other than that and being horrendously hungover on Saturday my weekend was pretty good, seeing friends and having a good chat and I went shopping and spent some monies :)

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